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Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs) and Contracts
One of the most important responsibilities and functions of labor unions today is the negotiation of Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs). These agreements, between the employer(s) and the members working for that employer(s) can cover wages, benefits working conditions and grievance process. CBAs can range from a one-page letter to a hundred-page document. They can apply to only one employer (such as the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra or the Pittsburgh Opera) or to a multi-employer group (such as the Major Record Labels, all of which are signatory to the National Sound Recording Agreement). CBAs can cover a single engagement or a multi-year span of time. In addition to CBAs negotiated locally, the AFM has dozens of national contracts.
Whatever form they take, CBAs are the soul of the labor movement, offering members some word in their work environment, through negotiated terms. The Pittsburgh Musicians' Union currently has CBAs with many organizations. Below is a list of some of these organizations and links to their home pages. Please support these employers of Local 60-471 members.