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Member Benefits
Professional Publications:
International Musician (international newsletter) and
Pittsburgh Musician (newsletter of the PMU)
Wage Scales: Members participate in the establishment of minimum wage scales and working conditions for various types of musical services. These wage scales and working conditions enable members to remain competitive with each other without limiting how high their earnings can be. They are also designed to prevent employers from taking unfair advantage of musicians.
Pre-Printed, Legal Contracts: Contracts suitable for all types of engagements are available free of charge. These easy to use contracts contain appropriate language for the resolution of disputes and provide protection for both musician and purchaser. When properly signed and filed, they are enforced by the union and its attorneys. These contracts also allow pension contributions to be made for the musicians listed on the contracts.
Locally Negotiated CBAs/Collective Bargaining Agreements: Local 60-471 currently has agreements with many employers in the Pittsburgh area including the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, Pittsburgh Opera, the Pittsburgh Opera and Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre well as many other Arts Organizations performing in the theatres in the Pittsburgh Cultural District.
AFM Negotiated Electronic Media Agreements: The AFM negotiates agreements for all electronic media employment that include reuse and new use payments, pension, and health and welfare benefits. These cover many areas including CDs, public and commercial television/radio broadcasts, commercials and broadcast concerts. Here are links to videos regarding reuse and new use:
"Residuals for Musicians" 1 - You Tube
"Residuals for Musicians" 2 - You Tube
Multi-Employer-Paid Pension Fund: Employer paid contributions to the American Federation of Musicians - Employers Pension Fund are a part of all PMU contracts. Find out more about the AFM Pension Fund at www.afm-epf.org
Emergency Traveling Musician Assistance: The AFM offers assistance to traveling members through their toll-free number
Membership Directory: A directory of all members, including address, phone, e-mail, and instruments played.
Online Musician Referral Service (GoPro Music): Register yourself and/or your group with this online referral service. You can upload sound files, text and link to your home page if you have one.
Professional Publications: All members receive the AFM International Musician and the Pittsburgh Musician. These keep you informed of union business, job openings, auditions, events, and articles of interest to musicians.
AFM Website: afm.org offers interviews, articles, job openings, and items of interest to professional musicians. Also legislative information of issues pertaining to musicians.
Local 60-471 Website: This website of the Pittsburgh Musicians' Union, afmpittsburgh.com, includes Local 60-471 events, music links, archives and information including where Pittsburgh musicians are playing and where you can purchase their CDs. The public can find musicians and music teachers through our membership search, and search for musical talent through a search by name, instrument or type of music. The site keeps the musician current with things of importance and provides a first step in searching for musicians and ensembles for
Low Cost Instrument Insurance: Replacement cost insurance covering instruments and related equipment for theft and damage at home, at work and on the road is available at a very reasonable rate.
Low Cost Liability Insurance: Liability protection is available to members through the AFM Liability Insurance Plan. Protect yourself and your band. Someone trips over a cord and wants to sue? You're covered.
Union Plus Programs: Union Plus was created by the AFL-CIO to bring high quality consumer benefits and services to union members and their families. Programs include Union Plus MasterCard, Loan, Mortgage, Legal Services, and Health Needs. Check out unionplus.org for the